Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Curatorial Rationale

Our teacher gave five groups in our class randomly selected famous people from the top 100 influential people in the world. In my group who were Darya, Salina, Cassandra and myself, we were given a lady named Samantha Power, we had to make her on a large scale with Chuck Close inspired grid techniques. In our collaborative piece we had to show who Samantha was and what she does for a living, so we were told to go and research about her and what we found out was that she was an American academic and diplomat who is currently working in the US ambassador to the UN and at 43 years old, she was appointed as the youngest person doing so. Additionally, Samantha worked as a brilliant journalists who has written for The Economist, The Boston Globe and The U.S New & World Report where she covered the Yugoslav wars. So we portrayed Samantha significance, strength and risk taking abilities by showing she was a journalists by making her hair out of newspaper articles and we portrayed her risk taking abilities by making her shirt with camo material. 

This collaborative piece was exhibited on the 16th of February, which was on our international day. Not only was this collaborative piece exhibited on that day we also had our own individual portraits which were also exhibited. As a class we had to try and figure out how we were all gonna portray these pieces in our school cafeteria and try to make it look interesting. Our idea was to let the big collaborative portraits have there own area as they were extremely big and took a lot of space, they were all placed on the left side of the cafeteria and underneath them had a little bit of information about the person. We also had to try and figure out where all our individual pencil sketch portraits were going to be put, as a class we had many different ideas, some student suggested to put up the portraits on the pillars and another student said it would be a good idea to hang them on them up on the walls. After many different opinions were passed around the class we decided to put all the pencil sketches on one big board as it was a lot more easier and convenient to do so. 

We did all of this after school on the 15th of February, Monday, a day right before the exhibition was meant to take place. Before we let our Collaborative portrait go down to where it was to be exhibited we refined bits and pieces of the portrait like fixing some parts hair by adding more newspapers and repainted some parts of the face and neck as there was a few past mistakes we had made on them, also I worked on four boxes on her neck as there was some blending problems so I managed to fix it and make it look all even and not odd. After that was finished and we were sure there was no need for more refinement to be done we sent it down to the cafeteria for it to be exhibited for the next day. Me and a couple of girls from the class were in charge of putting up the pencil sketch portraits on the board. Before we put up the pencil portrait sketches we added a bright red paper onto the board so the pencil portraits would pop and make people look its way and notice the work. We stapled the background up and then took out the portraits and laid them on a clear table and tried to figure out what was going where. We put the biggest portrait in the middle and then surrounded it with the smaller ones. We put them according to how light and how dark they were on the board.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Art Book

                                                       MYP Unit: Perceptions of self

Key Concepts: Identities and Relationships

Related Concept: Communities

Statement of inquiry: The process of artistic creation can lead to self discovery

Inquiry Question: What conventions or elements can be identified as specific to the genre?

In the beginning of the term to start of art we were give art books and were asked to either do a title page or a cover page and I decided to do a cover page. On my cover page I used white out and kind of just became very creative in making different designs around the front cover of the book. It did take me a fairly long time to make cause I sketched it out first and then used white out and I had to be extremely careful doing it cause if I had made a mistake I would not be able to undo the mistake. I really like my front cover and am proud of it.


To start of this topic we did a Cindy Sherman research and we had to figure out who she was and what type of art she produces and I figured out that she takes photos of herself and in each of her images she is a different character. So what we had to do was take 4 images of her work and analyse them and try to figure out why she made this and what the character is feeling.


After researching about Cindy Sherman we started to research about This other artist named Chuck Close. I learned that Chuck Close takes images of his family member or very close friend then print it out and uses his grid technique and then starts to  develop the portrait by painting boxes on the portrait  with different colours . We had to do the same thing like the Cindy Sherman thing, we had to take four  pieces of his art pieces and analyse them,


Continuing with our Cindy Sherman thing we then had to recreate our own photos inspired by Cindy Sherman. So I took several photos of myself and I slowly started to develop my character with each photo I took. My character was an abused wife and you can see that she is married cause I wore a ring on my ring finger to show that she was married. It did take me a long time to do this cause a lot of effort goes into creating these images but overall it was a good experience.

After we analysed both Cindy Sherman and Chuck Close we moved on to a collaborative piece were our teacher made five groups and in each group we were given a person from the top 100 influential people in the world. My team was given Samantha power, when we were given this person we had no idea who she was so our teacher gave us a task to find out information about this person like what does she do and who does she work for and we had to try and show this on our piece. To create this piece we used the Chuck Close grid technique.

When we had finished our collaborative piece we had a lot of refinement that had to be done on our piece, so we took several photo's of the few boxes that needed refinement on our collaborative piece and gradually refined the boxes. After all the boxes were refined we took photos of them and we pasted the photos of before and after refinement into our books.

This Unit is now over and we started a brand new one which is viewpoints of nature. The first task we had was when we got this unit was to create a title page. So i created a double page title page to start of this new unit for this term.

Our next to double pages was view points of nature where we went outside for a lesson and took a bunch of photos of nature and tried to create four piece of sketches that all had different mediums. So in one of my photos i used oil pastel and in my other three i used acrylic paint, water colour paint and i lastly used normal pencil colours.


My name is Noha Faisal and this is my MYP Arts Process Journal. On this blog you will find documented evidence of my learning of Visual Arts. I chose this specialism because I have  passion for art and I enjoy it a lot and I also like learning new skills in art. During the MYP course I hope to gain more confidence and independence in my work and trust myself more, also I would like to learn knew skills to expand my knowledge of art.